10 Best Python Web Frames

1. Django

Django is an open-source, free Python framework that helps programmers create complex code and applications more quickly. It can be used by Python web developers to make excellent online applications.

2. CherryPy

CherryPy is a stable, fast, and lightweight web development framework for Python. It works with any Python-compatible framework and is available as free software.

3. Pyramid

Some of the biggest names in IT that use the Pyramid Python web development platform are Mozilla, Yelp, Dropbox, and SurveyMonkey. Because of its simplicity and adaptability, the framework is widely used. Python 3 is used to write Pyramid.

4. Grok

The Zope toolkit's (ZPK) technologies serve as the foundation for the web framework Grok. By emphasizing two core concepts—Convention over Configuration and Do Not Repeat Yourself—it offers developers an agile development experience (DRY)

5. TurboGears

A Python framework called TurboGears is designed for full-stack, data-driven web applications. It helps developers create web apps with less configuration by fixing common issues with web and mobile app frameworks.

6. Web2Py

Web2Py is a suite of tools for testing and managing web applications, which includes a code editor, debugger, and deployment tool. This framework works with a variety of operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, Unix/Linux, Google App Engine, and others.

7. Flask

The BSD license applies to the Flask Python framework, which was influenced by the Sinatra Ruby framework. Flask makes use of the Jinja2 template and the Werkzeug WSGI toolkit.

8. Bottle

Bottle is a highly regarded Python web framework that falls under the small-scale frameworks category. The original purpose of its design was to build web APIs. It has no dependencies outside of the Python Standard Library and aims to run everything contained on a single source page.

9. Tornado

Python web framework Tornado is an unorthodox library framework. It makes use of a non-blocking I/O architecture. Furthermore, the framework fixes the C10k problem (i.e., it can support over 10,000 concurrent connections when configured correctly).

10. BlueBream

An open-source framework, server, and library for creating web applications is called BlueBream. The Zope team created it, and its previous name was Zope 3. The ideal applications for this framework are medium- to large-scale operations that are segmented into several reusable and appropriately customized parts.