Types of Mobile App Ideas You Can Patent


There are many innovative mobile app ideas through which you are eligible to get patented:

1. Novel Algorithms:

Your absolute mobile app creation has to include unique, distinctive, or novel algorithms that are built to resolve an issue or offer some utility if you are looking to draft a patent for it. For example, Mobile gaming apps, educational or learning apps providing different courses, etc.

2. Innovative Interfaces:

The patented can be for innovative UX/UI designs that are evolved to enhance the overall experience of its users through interaction. Such Social media apps connect communities worldwide.

3. Technology Stack:

Hybrid technologies already in existence along with some advanced versions or integration of specifically new technologies can be accepted as having the concept of patentability. Like AR/VR-based apps, IoT apps, etc.

4. Innovation of New Business Models:

Business models that involve the latest processes, functions, or methods for completing a specific task should be qualified. For example, Healthcare apps provide medical services, subscriptions, diet charts, pharmaceuticals, and so on.


This includes unique algorithms that solve problems, creative UX/UI designs that improve the user experience, advanced technology stacks representing some mix of old and new technology, and new business models with modern processes. In this context, one may cite examples such as mobile gaming apps, AR/VR apps, or healthcare apps, that may provide services like subscriptions and medical support.